Friday, April 23, 2010

You should see her etchings

My friend Sarah is multiskilled, but one of her recent blog posts has inspired me byeind all her others.  You can find it here - be warned - you might be sidetracked for quite a while if you start looking round her blog.

I even talked to my jewellery teacher about it and lo and behold, there are facilities to etch at my class so I'll definitely be having a go before we break up for summer.  Just a chain and possibly another shawl pin to do at the same time....

Sunday, April 18, 2010

She knows me too well!

Straight in there - Maz wins!

OK - a prize will be on its way to you over the next few days

Saturday, April 17, 2010

morsbags fun

I bagged my knitting group on Thursday but couldn't bear to part with one bag - can you guess which one?

Could it be the long tall one with the square (ish) bottom? The one with the weirdly rounded corners?


Or is it in this group?


Or could it be this landscape oriented one on its own with the longer straps?

I think it's obvious, but how well do you know me?

Prize to the first one that guesses

Monday, April 12, 2010

Birthday bunting

Birthday bunting
Originally uploaded by lalheg
Quick and easy - old scrapbooking papers cut up and zigzagged onto bias binding tape

DD made a second one where she added decoration to the flags then just stapled them onto ribbon


I am green with sewing machine lust. This lady showed her sewing machine on Ravelry and I just adore it for its graceful circles

Sunday, April 11, 2010

More grumping and a plug

So I had lots of plans for yesterday.

I HAD to go to my friend's open studio as I was lending her my big teapot, then there was the question of all the housework that has been neglected for a week due to the great almost teen clothes hunt that took up two evenings, knitting group and general can't be arsedness

Trouble was, I woke up with a mean migraine - the head in a nail lined vice, buzzing ear, constant nausea type. I fulfilled my teapot duty but truth be told, I wasn't seeing clearly enough to fully appreciate Sarah's wonderful yarns. How I managed to back the car out of her drive without scraping it I don't know, but the homing instinct was strong. I got home OK but just flung myself into bed where I stayed all day, just getting up in time for the Grand National but I stayed marooned on the sofa for the rest of Saturday.
I'm on the way back up now, so I'm hoping that I'll be able to join in the 4th International Morsbagging Sunday - see - maybe you'll join in?

Friday, April 09, 2010


Never let anyone tell you that a good way to make socks is to make a cuff, knit a huge tube and finish with another cuff, then start cutting and picking up stitches to make buth toes and heels.

Grump grump - back to toe up for me

Thursday, April 01, 2010

Copper pendant

Copper pendant
Originally uploaded by lalheg
I made this copper pendant for Maz's birthday. Now that she's confirmed that it made it safely to her, I can finally show it.

I love the colours that heat brought to this piece and the organic sinuous quality of the texturing. I varnished the front to protect the colouring, but the back has been left uncoated. Maz can choose to see the effects of time, or varnish it if like me she doesn't like the smell (too much like pennies for my taste)