Lovely Fiona gave me my first lesson in spinning at knit night last week. It's a lot harder than it looks! I was instructed to soak the results in hot water to set the twist, so I went the whole hog and had a go at dyeing too, using a pack of Koolaid. I've a small stash of packets that Lori sent me all the way from S Carolina - many years ago we were all ATC and altered art freaks together - just occasionally there's a benefit to being reluctant to throw things out!
So, here's my photo story of not quite fluff to finished article, but all the steps in between. And yes, that is one of Alice Starmore's books - a bit tattered but a bargain from a charity shop. TBH I don't really get why so many rave about her - can anyone enlighten me?
Oh, can anyone suggest what I can make with about 16 yards of bumpy orange oddness?