Friday, November 17, 2006

Big Excitement

Biggest news of the weekend for me - I'm featured in an interview with Artella Daily Muse. Here's the details with a link two a free two day subscription:

"You will be in the Artist Profile of the Day this Sunday, on November 19th. So, if you'd like to see it, then sign up for a free, 2-day membership to the Daily Muse either on Saturday, or Sunday, whichever you like. Here's the link for you:


Also, the DailyMuse shows up much better in Internet Explorer than in FireFox, so you probably want to open up that link in IE."

I can't tell you what a boost this is to me - just what I needed. It's all come about through an art deck that I participated in - will get some pics and tell more about it in the wild blue yonder of when I have more time........
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